⚸ In the name of the Moon

you'll be punished


Mikari's Thoughts and Favorites: How I got into Sailor Moon and who my favorite characters are.

Mikari's Sailor Moon Crystal Reviews:
Episode 01: The series is introduced, we meet Sailor Moon, Luna, and take a quick look at Mamoru.
Episode 02: Ami joins the cast and thus Sailor Mercury is welcomed to the team.
Episode 03: A very different Rei enters the piture, but Sailor Mars is still awesome.
Episode 04: No Jupiter yet, but this was still a fun episode full of pretty dresses.
Episode 05: Plenty of scenes for Sailor Jupiter and Motoki, Luna is still suspicious of Tuxedo Mask.
Episode 06: Mamoru is shirtless! Secret identities are revealed! Pokemon is referenced?
Episode 07: The past and the present collide and Sailor Venus arrives.
Episode 08: Sailor V and the decoy princess plot, Minako is so cool in this episode.
Episode 09: The rainbow crystals are skipped, the silver crystal appears and Tuxedo gets kidnapped.
Episode 10: One small step for Usagi, a giant leap for the other sailors.